Google Glass
Hello dear readers, we meet again. I am actually impressed you are still reading my blog after all the weird stuff I have posted...Seriously..What are you doing..? Go outside, throw balls at random person instead of reading my blog which has no useful information. No seriously..not kidding..Click the 'X' button on the top right..Do it now, come on. I am saving your precious time here..Why are you still reading this? Ok wow, you're a persistent on aren't you? Come on now..Do as what the image shows..
Wow, you are still here aren't you? Ok ok fine, I get it. You want to read my blog so much ( or either you must be my lecturer and want to grade my blog :P )

Anyway, lets get on with it should we? Today am going to talk about the Google Glass, if you haven't heard of it, do not ask for it in the comment section. Use this
link for the information ( you may need to allow pop up in order for it to work ). If you read my post about
Oculus Rift, you should understand about what I am saying. It is almost similar to it but its about 0.5% better ( am exaggerating, yes. But come on, pity Google. ) You wear it like you are wearing a glasses ( duh, that is why it is called Google 'Glass' ). The glass act as a screen in front of your eyes which you are able to surf the web with it. Much like Oculus Rift, yes. But you can surf the web, call people or even take picture with it. It acts like a phone but its a glasses..So..Google Phone Glasses..? Maybe that will be the name they will be use when they officially release it.

There are few ways of controlling Google Glass, one of it is by using the panel which is invisible located on the right side of the glass, you can swipe that particular location in order for you to navigate the interface ( prettyyy cool huhhh? ). While the alternative way is by using voice command. But it will be very weird for people to walk around and see them talking to themselves...It still weird seeing someone walking while swiping the side of their glasses...I wonder what will the future be look like. Few people talking to themselves or might be even shouting to make Google Glass understand what they are saying. The future will be a fun sight for sure :P
Among all of the awesome features of Google Glass, Google themselves has admitted that by using Google Glass, you may strain your eyes and sooner or later you be needing a 'real' glass, worse case scenario is that you be going blind :P. So think about the future consequences before you actually try it.