What I did during my mid term...Seriously nothing much I can say about it..All I did was play games and do my homework. Most of the time is by doing homework though. I was still new to programming and lecturer gave a homework to program about 9-11 programs which I almost feel like banging my head on the table to make them work.
Lucky for me I have one or two private tutors for programming (muahahaha) but still it was a

headache just trying to get the code to 'actually' work without a single mistake. I felt like my head was going to explode. But in the end the homework paid of! I was able to understand how to program better and was able to 'solve' the bugs in the program and identify the 'symptoms' of the error and automatically know what is causing the error.

Like for an example, the silly mistake which I always do. I forgot to add a '&' before the variables to save the input in. And guess what happens? This happens. The program stop responding. So anytime my code stop responding, I would know that due to this tiny little stupid problem that is causing the error.

Other than doing my homework. The only thing I did was play Skyrim. Now lets talk about skyrim now should we? Don't worry it won't be long. Will just take a day or two tops. Now..if you never heard of skyrim..You should stay inside more. Yep. Stop going outside. I tried the game called 'Reality'. The graphics was great but the story line was terrible. There aren't even respawns. Once we die, we die permanently. Believe me, outside is not as much as you think it is :P , here is a picture to prove it ----------------->
Pictures never lies right? :P