Hello again everybody, This time I be talking about the game which I find the best and I like playing it. Its an Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game or more common called MMORPG among gamers.
MMORPGs are a mixed genre of role playing game and massive multiplayer online game. As in most of the game, player play a role as an character in a game most often in a futuristic or fantasy theme based environment.
Lets not delay the excitement any longer should we? The game I am talking about is called Tera Online ( The Exiled Realm of Arborea ).The developer of Tera Online is BlueHole Studio which originate from Seoul, Korea. The engine which Tera Online was developed on was Unreal Engine 3 ( yayyy pretty cool eh?? ), thus you won't have to worry about the graphics as they will be superrr. But like every gamers say. Graphic isn't everything. Its the gameplay that matters. Lucky Tera online gameplay is
as great better than its graphics.
That is just boring old school. This is where Tera Online standout itself. Tera does not have any target system, which means that you would 'actually' have to aim and shoot your spells or arrow or even swing you sword in order to hit you enemy and at the same time avoiding the enemy attacks. You won't even have the time to sit down and relax while fighting. This features makes you feel as though you are really a part of the game.
Unlike Tera Online where you can see other players running around and fighting monsters. You can just be riding a horse and see someone almost dying fighting a monster and you just hop off the horse and fight along side with him. THIS feature is what makes me really attracted to Tera Online.