Ohayo Minasan, It means good morning, everyone in Japanese. Why am I typing in Japanese? Because I CAN! I am the blogger after all. So I can type whatever I want. Its called Kebebasan Bersuara. Of course you bebas bersuara, but after you bersuara you won't be bebas...Why do I always start my blog with being out of topic..? Same question I ask myself every single day...And I just obtained the answer today, which is BECAUSE I CAN!!! Muahahahahahaha.
Back to business, Am pretty sure most of you people out there heard of Google Street View, It allows an immersive view of an Landscape. Technology is getting pretty cooler and cooler day by day, if this keeps up. We might be able to stroll at a park without even leaving our computer. Now that is a future I am waiting for.. Maybe I can go to class without even leaving the comfort of my sofa...Oh wait There have a technology for that already...
There are plenty of way Google did this trick. They mount a camera on top of a car and drive it around while the camera constantly snapping pictures all around it. But that is not the only way, there are tons of other ways Google was able to achieve this. Such as mounting a Camera on a back of a person. And that certain person can stroll around a park while the Camera constantly snap pictures.
For now, 18 of Malaysia's top popular places can be viewed via Google Street View, the list goes as follows ;)
Anyway, As some of you might know and some of you might not know and some of you might not even care in the first place, but I live in a Country called Malaysia. Some people in the world might not have heard of it in the. But Malaysia is located north of Singapore and South of Thailand, Google it up if you don't know. Google is everything now days anyway. Don't know the answer for something. Google it up. And thus the main question arise..When will Google Street View is available in Malaysia. Before that, lets dive in more detail about Google Street View should we? As you know Google Street View snaps a full 360 sphere shaped photo and combine all of them to create a virtual environment where you can navigate.
Malaysia's Google Street View Team |
For now, 18 of Malaysia's top popular places can be viewed via Google Street View, the list goes as follows ;)
Taman Tasik Ampang Hilir
Dharmikarama Burmese Temple, Georgetown, Penang
Fort Cornwallis, Penang
Kapitan Keling Mosque, Penang
Penang War Museum
Taman Putra Perdana, Putrajaya
Taman Rimba Riang Park, Selangor
Taman Tasik Shah Alam, Selangor
Sunway Lagoon
Shah Alam Go Kart
Taman Desa Water Park
Taman Tasik Titiwangsa
Taman Rimba Kiara
Taman Botanical Kepong
Taman Tasik Kepong Metropolitan
Sri Subramaniam Temple, Batu Caves
Masjid Sultan Sallahuddin Abdul Aziz Shah, Shah Alam
Desa Park City
*Source: http://www.lowyat.net/2013/08/google-malaysia-announces-street-view-availability-in-malaysia-street-view-cars-rolling-out-now/
Lets just hope that we will be able to explore the whole Malaysia including Sabah and Sarawak just by using Google Street View in the coming future. :D
Google Glass
Hello dear readers, we meet again. I am actually impressed you are still reading my blog after all the weird stuff I have posted...Seriously..What are you doing..? Go outside, throw balls at random person instead of reading my blog which has no useful information. No seriously..not kidding..Click the 'X' button on the top right..Do it now, come on. I am saving your precious time here..Why are you still reading this? Ok wow, you're a persistent on aren't you? Come on now..Do as what the image shows..
Wow, you are still here aren't you? Ok ok fine, I get it. You want to read my blog so much ( or either you must be my lecturer and want to grade my blog :P )
Among all of the awesome features of Google Glass, Google themselves has admitted that by using Google Glass, you may strain your eyes and sooner or later you be needing a 'real' glass, worse case scenario is that you be going blind :P. So think about the future consequences before you actually try it.
What I did during Mid term holiday break( Chinese New Year)
Wednesday, 19 February 2014
Posted by Trishen Suresh
What I did during my mid term...Seriously nothing much I can say about it..All I did was play games and do my homework. Most of the time is by doing homework though. I was still new to programming and lecturer gave a homework to program about 9-11 programs which I almost feel like banging my head on the table to make them work.
headache just trying to get the code to 'actually' work without a single mistake. I felt like my head was going to explode. But in the end the homework paid of! I was able to understand how to program better and was able to 'solve' the bugs in the program and identify the 'symptoms' of the error and automatically know what is causing the error.
Like for an example, the silly mistake which I always do. I forgot to add a '&' before the variables to save the input in. And guess what happens? This happens. The program stop responding. So anytime my code stop responding, I would know that due to this tiny little stupid problem that is causing the error.
Other than doing my homework. The only thing I did was play Skyrim. Now lets talk about skyrim now should we? Don't worry it won't be long. Will just take a day or two tops. Now..if you never heard of skyrim..You should stay inside more. Yep. Stop going outside. I tried the game called 'Reality'. The graphics was great but the story line was terrible. There aren't even respawns. Once we die, we die permanently. Believe me, outside is not as much as you think it is :P , here is a picture to prove it ----------------->
Lucky for me I have one or two private tutors for programming (muahahaha) but still it was a

Pictures never lies right? :P
Hello again everybody, This time I be talking about the game which I find the best and I like playing it. Its an Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game or more common called MMORPG among gamers.
MMORPGs are a mixed genre of role playing game and massive multiplayer online game. As in most of the game, player play a role as an character in a game most often in a futuristic or fantasy theme based environment.
Lets not delay the excitement any longer should we? The game I am talking about is called Tera Online ( The Exiled Realm of Arborea ).The developer of Tera Online is BlueHole Studio which originate from Seoul, Korea. The engine which Tera Online was developed on was Unreal Engine 3 ( yayyy pretty cool eh?? ), thus you won't have to worry about the graphics as they will be superrr. But like every gamers say. Graphic isn't everything. Its the gameplay that matters. Lucky Tera online gameplay is as great better than its graphics.
The first reason why I like this game is because of the none targeting combat system. For the non-gamers, in order for you to understand this ( lol I don't know why but that sounds funny ), Most online game only has 'double click' attack system. Where you double click and enemy or monster and you just sit back and wait while your character attack that certain monster and kill it.
That is just boring old school. This is where Tera Online standout itself. Tera does not have any target system, which means that you would 'actually' have to aim and shoot your spells or arrow or even swing you sword in order to hit you enemy and at the same time avoiding the enemy attacks. You won't even have the time to sit down and relax while fighting. This features makes you feel as though you are really a part of the game.
Second and the last thing why I like playing Tera is due to the fact its an open world. First thing you need to know, Tera isn't the only game that uses non targeting system. Some other games uses it too. But those games uses instance based. It means that when you out of a town or city in the game, you will be secluded and won't be meeting other players.
Unlike Tera Online where you can see other players running around and fighting monsters. You can just be riding a horse and see someone almost dying fighting a monster and you just hop off the horse and fight along side with him. THIS feature is what makes me really attracted to Tera Online.
MMORPGs are a mixed genre of role playing game and massive multiplayer online game. As in most of the game, player play a role as an character in a game most often in a futuristic or fantasy theme based environment.
The first reason why I like this game is because of the none targeting combat system. For the non-gamers, in order for you to understand this ( lol I don't know why but that sounds funny ), Most online game only has 'double click' attack system. Where you double click and enemy or monster and you just sit back and wait while your character attack that certain monster and kill it.
That is just boring old school. This is where Tera Online standout itself. Tera does not have any target system, which means that you would 'actually' have to aim and shoot your spells or arrow or even swing you sword in order to hit you enemy and at the same time avoiding the enemy attacks. You won't even have the time to sit down and relax while fighting. This features makes you feel as though you are really a part of the game.
Unlike Tera Online where you can see other players running around and fighting monsters. You can just be riding a horse and see someone almost dying fighting a monster and you just hop off the horse and fight along side with him. THIS feature is what makes me really attracted to Tera Online.
Gadgets that I really wantttt *drolls*
Monday, 6 January 2014
Posted by Trishen Suresh
Tag :
Hello folks we meet again. As a 'gila' gadgets ( or so called), I have this one gadget which I reallyy reallly reallyy want. Some of you might know but its called Oculus Rift. Some of you out there might have known about this little device but some don't.
SO for those of you who don't know about there, there is only ONE thing I can say to you, ' GET A LIFE'. Nahh just kidding. Let me explain it to you incase you don't know. Oculus Rift is actually a Virtual Headset for gaming. Yes gaming. You just wear it like a swimming goggles and you can see the game right infront of you as thought you really are in the game.
Of course now it might be looking a bit 'bulkyish' But sooner or later as technology grows and grows It might soon be looking like this. Comfortable to wear and own.And for those of you out there who won't believe that it won't be this portable. Think about how our technology advance. During the old times just to run '1+1' on a computer, you need a whole building sized computer ( might be exaggerating). But now we have mini notebooks which you can just slip it into your bag.
And why I want it sooo bad? Isn't the answer pretty obvious? I like gaming. And I have the opportunity to actually 'feel' like being in a game. Anyone who doesn't want that must be pretty crazy (no offense to those who doesn't want Oculus Rift)
SO for those of you who don't know about there, there is only ONE thing I can say to you, ' GET A LIFE'. Nahh just kidding. Let me explain it to you incase you don't know. Oculus Rift is actually a Virtual Headset for gaming. Yes gaming. You just wear it like a swimming goggles and you can see the game right infront of you as thought you really are in the game.
Of course now it might be looking a bit 'bulkyish' But sooner or later as technology grows and grows It might soon be looking like this. Comfortable to wear and own.And for those of you out there who won't believe that it won't be this portable. Think about how our technology advance. During the old times just to run '1+1' on a computer, you need a whole building sized computer ( might be exaggerating). But now we have mini notebooks which you can just slip it into your bag.
And why I want it sooo bad? Isn't the answer pretty obvious? I like gaming. And I have the opportunity to actually 'feel' like being in a game. Anyone who doesn't want that must be pretty crazy (no offense to those who doesn't want Oculus Rift)
Help College Entrance |
Well the story all began when I was around 12 years old. You should take a sit as this would take a long long time for me to explain it to you. Like I said when I was 12, I was mainly in front of my computer exploring stuff.
The first program I find interesting was Adobe Photoshop. It sparks my interest because I can cause mayhem with editing pictures (muahahahhaa). Later on I found another program called Adobe After Effects and really made me interested in learning more.
And why I chose Help College you ask?
Help College Entrance with 3 dudes standing in front of it |
I have created some effects using After Effects and did some photo editing on Photoshop. But it wasn't enough. I couldn't learn everything by myself. I need to know more and more.
I want to learn more and deepen my knowledge about what I am doing and what I CAN do with it. And the ONLY college I could find which satisfy my needs is Help College which teaches Programming, Graphic Design and one course which I did not know it even exist, Mobile Programming.